AKD Capture Engine Configuration

The AKD capture engine provides a broad range of capabilities for configuration of the capture events.

  • It is capable of configuring preconditions to allow the application programmer to specify sequential events or conditions that must be met before the capture event can be triggered.
  • The capture Engine in the AKD is configured with SDO #0x3460 (subindexes 1 to 10).
  • The AKD supports two capture engines (0 and 1); the application programmer must configure the desired engine.

Sub Index #



Trigger for capture engine 0.


Trigger for capture engine 1.


Mode for capture engine 0.


Mode for capture engine 1.


Capture Event for capture engine 0.


Capture Event for capture engine 1.


Precondition edge for capture engine 0.


Precondition edge for capture engine 1.


Preselect for capture engine 0.


Preselect for capture engine 1.

AKD Configuration Parameters

These are the configuration parameters for the ADK capture engines.

For more details, see either CAP0.PRESELECT or CAP1.PRESELECT.



Capture Edge

Programmed in the MC_Reference function block.

Capture Event

(SDO object #0x3460 subindex engine 0 = 5/engine 1 = 6)

  • 0 = Ignore preconditions.
  • 1 = Trigger edge after the precondition edge.
  • 2 = Trigger edge while precondition = 1.
  • 3 = Trigger edge while precondition = 0.

Capture Mode

(SDO object #0x3460 subindex 3/4)

  • 0 = Capture position.
  • 1 = Capture internal time.
  • 2 = Capture EtherCAT distributed time (DCT).
  • 3 = Capture zero angle position.

Capture Precondition Edge

(SDO object #0x3460, subindex 7/8)

  • 0 = Reserved.
  • 1 = Precondition with rising edge.
  • 2 = Precondition with falling edge.
  • 3 = Precondition with rising and falling edges.

Capture Preselect

(SDO object #0x3460 subindex 9/10)

  • 0 = General input 1.
  • 1 = General input 2.
  • 6 = General input 7.
  • 7 = rs485 input 1.
  • 8 = rs485 input 2.
  • 9 = rs485 input 3.
  • 10 = Primary index.
  • 11 = Tertiary index.

Capture Trigger

(SDO object #0x3460 subindex 1/2)

  • 0 = General input 1.
  • 1 = General input 2.
  • 6 = General input 7.
  • 7 = rs485 input 1.
  • 8 = rs485 input 2.
  • 9 = rs485 input 3.
  • 10 = Primary index.
  • 11 = Tertiary index.